The cleaved acyl side-chain radical then decomposes further, expelling carbon monoxide and generating 1,1-dimethylallyl radical.
The material that is left over is put back on top of the compost pile, to decompose further.
At the heart of the system is the corpus-M3 which decomposes further into a semantic information broker (SIB) and the real physical storage of data.
Instead, they subsequently further decompose to secondary oxidation products including "alcohols, acids, ketones, lactones and unsaturated hydrocarbons which produce the [warmed-over flavor]."
Upon photolysis these compounds release the acyl nitroso species which then further decomposes.
Lead tetrachloride tends to decompose further into lead dichloride and chlorine gas:
On subsequent heating, the iodine pentoxide further decomposes, giving a mix of iodine, oxygen and lower oxides of iodine.
Nitrosyl chloride can further decompose into nitric oxide and chlorine.
The delay frustrated workers, who were racing against time to pull bodies out before they decompose further.
CaCO further decomposes around 700 C to CaO and CO.