The decline represented a 21.4 percent decrease from 1992, when 3,811 cases were reported - the highest in three decades.
Yet if the trend continues, the decline nationwide will represent the lowest number of new project starts since 1982, the council said.
That decline, the industry says, represents the patients' gain from the shift to more efficient managed care.
And a decline of 400 points would represent a fall of about 6.7 percent.
The decline represented the first time the index had fallen below 50 percent since the January reading of 47.4 percent.
The decline in Soviet operations represents a reversal of a long trend.
It said the decline may represent a threat to budgetary reserves and city programs.
For some, the decline of class rankings represents an opportunity.
The largest decline in short interest represented a big defeat for the short-sellers.
She pointed out that such a decline from the current average would represent a 10 percent drop.