However, crime rates had been declining in Florida as well as nationally since at least 2000.
The dormouse is declining nationally, but Herefordshire is a stronghold.
As wine consumption declined nationally, small premium wineries at first consoled themselves that people were drinking less but better.
The site and the surrounding area provides habitat for the High Brown Fritillary, a butterfly which is rare and declining nationally.
But while enrollment in bachelor's degree nursing programs declined nationally by 4.6 percent in 1999, it fell the most - 7.4 percent - in schools in the North Atlantic states, including New York.
With so-called chat lines, the faddish party-line hookups that allow socializing by telephone, declining in popularity nationally, a French company has added a high-technology wrinkle, computer party lines whose users are billed by the telephone company.
A historical component of Utah music, the popularity of Mormon folk music declined like traditional music nationally after the advent of music recording.
Species that breed in the area include Northern lapwing, common snipe, common redshank, Eurasian golden plover, black grouse and Eurasian curlew, all except the last of which are declining in numbers nationally.
During the Great Depression and World War II, tourism declined nationally.
Sales of existing homes nationally have fallen more than 10 percent from last year's record-setting pace and prices declined nationally in August for the first time in 11 years.