The man he proudly put forth to head an investigation of America's vulnerability to terrorists abruptly declined the job because it would interfere with his consulting business.
Williams, who was homosexual, did however propose a marriage of convenience to her, which she abruptly declined.
It declined abruptly at the end of the Permian, about 250 million years ago, a time of the greatest mass extinction in the planet's history.
Again, however, they declined abruptly, falling to wooden spooners again in 1977 and 1978.
She abruptly declined his invitation and asked that her letters be forwarded to Norman.
After 1911, the need and use of iqya-x, Aleut sea kayaks, declined abruptly.
The numbers of men and boys being ordained declined abruptly, and many wat fell empty.
When ridership declined abruptly that fall the Mayor ordered the lane barriers removed.
Phillips abruptly declined to discuss the assault of a former girlfriend on Sept. 10.
The oil derricks only went away when production on the small Mesa field abruptly declined and ended in the late 1930s.