An armistice is declared between Austria and others.
Peace had been declared between the two warring parties and the brothers could safely return to the nearest civilization.
Although something of a truce had supposedly been declared between us, Daphne never stopped complaining or looking for things to criticize about me.
In 1946, 10 million people were declared at risk of starvation, and between the years 1945 and 1950, the population increased by 11 million.
Two days later war was declared between the British Empire and Germany.
Now having no more to say, since war had been declared between us, as it were, I rose to bid this king farewell.
The fort was not complete in 1870 when war was declared between France and Germany.
A passing vessel brought the news that war had been declared between France and England.
In 1914, war was declared between the United Kingdom and Germany.
A cannon-shot signifies that peace has been declared between Spain and France.