The entirety of Kabardia (eastern Circassia) was now declared Russian territory.
During the American Revolution, what is now Hastings lay between the lines of the warring forces and was declared neutral territory.
They were to remain under American control; therefore, a section of each site was fenced off and declared American territory.
One may also hear a constant knocking as they often drum on trees or even metal objects to declare territory.
That you refrain from declaring their private lands open territory for equalization.
In 1887, some areas of Balochistan were declared British territory.
This site was declared Cuban territory for the period of the talks.
The sea bed under REM Island, to which the structure was attached, was declared Dutch territory.
The north coast of Australia from 129 to 135 longitude was declared British territory.
On 1 February, he issued a joint proclamation with Elliot to the inhabitants, declaring the island British territory.