Many juntas, as was the case of Chile, declared plans to rule their territory in the absence of the legitimate king.
Brash issued a statement later that same day, declaring plans to take leave in order to sort out marital difficulties with his wife.
The story begins with Sherry (Paula Abdul) declaring plans to hold a party that night.
Coke has already declared plans to spend close to $1 billion in Brazil in the next three years.
She also declared plans for a bigger North American tour including Canada.
In 1905, Baum declared plans for an Oz amusement park.
Three weeks after declaring plans to run for governor, the ambitious senator suddenly decided to keep his job in Washington.
Not surprisingly, the productivity strategy fits snugly with the Government's declared plans for selling off coal at the best price if it won the election.
So far, three people either have declared plans to challenge Mr. Towns, 71, or are close to doing so.
Egypt has declared plans to have 7,200MW of wind electricity by 2020, meeting 12% of the country's energy needs.