But not the end of the fighting-for the two rivals for the field leadership of the Tanu would then have their duel, the winner earning the option of declaring fealty to the reigning monarch or challenging him on the spot.
I need be here so my sire would not declare fealty to Ranuak or Neserea.
Those spacefaring species who did not at least declare fealty to the Ecological Management Codes were wiped out by the majority, for the protection of future generations of sophonts.
All the magnates of England and Normandy were required to declare fealty to Matilda as Henry's heir, but after the king's death in 1135 Stephen rushed to England and had himself crowned before either Theobald or Matilda could react.
Whereas it may take years of inculcation for a young man to become a full-fledged member of Hamas, he can become a member of the jihadi militias just by declaring fealty, Mr. Taha said.
Throughout the debate, deputies insisted that their fight was not with Mr. Arafat, to whom they declared fealty as the elected president of the Palestinian Authority, nor with the individual ministers.
The Defense Ministry, now under Gen. Mikhail A. Moiseyev, the chief of staff, the Cabinet, now under Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir I. Shcherbakov, and the Soviet parliament all issued statements declaring fealty to Mr. Gorbachev.
Millions of dollars and zillions of adoring fans, a huge party in New York at which, says Rolling Stone, "a procession of CBS executives" rises to declare fealty.
Under the old order, the press agency carried only the part of the Patriarch's Easter message that declared fealty to the peace-loving policies of the Soviet state.