Firstly, Mr Ouattara's forces suddenly got the upper hand in the fighting on the ground, so the foreign forces did not need to use much air power to give what they hope will be a decisive push.
That was the decisive push.
The decisive push for change in malaria programs has come from the White House.
She reached out and gave the call button a decisive push, although when her fingers touched the metal, she got a sensation like a shock.
Tumsa "gave his church a decisive push towards independence in theological thought and church practice", criticizing many aspects of Western Christianity.
Leaders from the Group of Seven industrial nations agreed today to cut the debt burden of the world's poorest countries in what they described as a decisive push to alleviate poverty.
Indeed, the euro was given a decisive push by unification.
That was last November, and thus did Mr. Carroll's campaign to preserve American wartime correspondence get rolling, after receiving a decisive push from an enthusiastic Abigail Van Buren.
At the Battle of Buena Vista, Davis's regiment helped provide the decisive push that drove the Mexicans from the field.
How does the President-inOffice of the Council think he might give the decisive push for the realization of a powerful UN declaration on the protection of human rights defenders?