This is why falling to the ground is considered a decisive loss in almost all traditional wrestling styles around the globe, including Kurash.
In control of the series coming into Philadelphia this weekend, the Pistons are in a dogfight after two decisive losses.
Each season, however, ended with a disappointing, decisive loss to the Cleveland Browns.
It was the most decisive loss of the season for the Pacers, who were led by Eddie Johnson's 24 points.
With the decisive loss of City Hall, the questions are just beginning.
Their first encounter resulted in a decisive loss for Connor, which was also filmed and sold underground.
But the victory was short lived and thereafter papal troops suffered a series of decisive losses.
Even county and state office appears remote after his decisive loss last year in a bid for Common Pleas judge, a county office.
He was talking about Miami's decisive 24-10 loss to Florida State way back when.
But it's not a decisive loss, and the process of working through the king to find a new government is still going on.