The decision could render the measure moot - an event that even the sponsors of the resolution in the House said was their preferred outcome.
The decision has already rendered the allowance all but impotent as an investment incentive.
The case was argued April 13, 1984 and the decision rendered July 23, 1984.
But today's decision "renders Haslip's promise a false one," she said.
And even though the anesthesia procedure had been characterized as having been impeccable, the decision ultimately rendered found for the plaintiff.
Pfizer's decision to pull the plug on the medicine renders the company's nearly $1 billion investment a total loss.
While the judge's decision has rendered a delay moot, it is unclear whether Disney will appeal.
"This decision rendered yet again the hollowness of the New Compact."
Had the point been proven, the decision rendered?
The decision not to be overtly personal renders the confessional material somewhat baffling; we're being asked to bond with a construct.