An ill-timed decision to invest heavily in existing Italian hotels at the time of the 1990 World Cup soccer tournament, plowing over $80 million into two Milan establishments alone, exacerbated the debt problem.
The board's decision exacerbated longstanding grievances about local governmental support for minority businesses.
They will inevitably be seen as interlopers, and the decision not to inform even the highest levels of the civilian security forces as to why their presence is necessary will exacerbate that perception.
But the decision may exacerbate concerns about the harsh conditions in Asian factories that churn out goods for American companies.
The United States is already 90 percent dependent on foreign sources of uranium and this decision only exacerbates our foreign dependence by locking up our own clean energy resources.
The decision just made to postpone municipal elections a second time both reflects and exacerbates that reality.
His decision to extend his stint as the country's foreign minister, a second hat that he wears with visible relish, exacerbated worries that he was brashly consolidating power.
Moreover, the personal decision to save rather than consume decreases aggregate demand, increases the likelihood of unemployment, and exacerbates the tendency toward economic stagnation.
The Israeli decision of 19 September to declare Gaza a hostile territory and the possibility envisaged of broadening the scope of sanctions imposed on Gaza would, if applied, potentially exacerbate the current situation.
Questionable decisions by the company management in the 1990s exacerbated the situation, leading to a collapse of the company brands and the increasing production of generic brands to make use of the capacities.