He doesn't force, and in truth his light lyric baritone sounded decidedly small for Carnegie Hall.
The operation is decidedly small: family members and employees still gather in the kitchen to mix small batches.
While the setting is decidedly small town, the issues are not.
I am aware, of course, that much research, both pro and con, exists on television's influence and that this sampling was on a decidedly small scale.
Meals were served in the neatly appointed but decidedly small galley.
It looked immense in the distance, but distinctly and decidedly small, by comparison, on a near approach.
First printings are decidedly small (as little as 3,000 copies for a new author) and it can take almost two years to determine a book's success.
Jack stared after the Baronian, rather hurt, and feeling decidedly small.
He is now starting all over again in his own decidedly small private practice.
Figures from surveys in 1990 showed that recently moved residents who could be considered "displaced" numbered only 5.47%, a decidedly small figure.