"Hands off, Daffy," came a deceptively mild voice behind them.
We looked at the water for a little while - those deceptively mild waves running up the beach like puppies - and said nothing.
"Those who know too much could pose a threat," the Emperor said, his voice deceptively mild.
Roy Jackson, a large blond man with a deceptively mild moon of a face, went to answer it.
The man with more gray in his brown hair had shrewd eyes watching from a deceptively mild face.
He regarded Marco for a very long time with a deceptively mild gaze.
He used the deceptively mild tones of a doctor telling a patient that another operation will be necessary.
He stood like that for a long moment, and then said in a deceptively mild voice, "I don't understand what you're trying to do.
He was a big, confidential looking man with a deceptively mild manner.
Those deceptively mild words are among the strongest used in the medical community for questionable treatment of a patient.