It is displayed open, so that viewers will see its outsized lock, which looks deceptively complex.
The design of digital filters is a deceptively complex topic.
The music, constructed in a deceptively complex fashion, follows suit; you can lose yourself in the record and wake up wondering how it was done.
I carried on with the octopus, with marinated celery and tapenade (£8.50), and this was deceptively complex.
This is laid-back, deceptively complex music, equal parts country, rock attitude, jazz musicianship, and troubadour storytelling".
And a deceptively complex business it is.
The work that emerged from this quiet life is deceptively complex.
MLS is deceptively complex and just because simple solutions are not obvious does not justify a conclusion that they do not exist.
"The bus terminal was a deceptively complex project," he said.
The problem, however, is that "the ability to play chess is deceptively complex, whereas the ability to understand English is deceptively simple."