A phalanx of shimmering globes, deceptively beautiful, like translucent moons, or floating bubbles in a dream.
Tiny particles of the dried guano blew from the barrows and filled the air around us with a deceptively beautiful cloud of gold, that sparked and glimmered in the late afternoon sun.
"The waters at many beaches are deceptively beautiful," said Dr. Chiyome Fukino, the state health director.
Deceptively beautiful to watch when well performed it is brutally physical work: a tremendous aerobic exercise.
Steve Heisler of The A.V. Club praised it, giving the episode an A. He particularly enjoyed the proposal scene, calling it "deceptively beautiful and elegant".
Demonic bas reliefs covered the stone of supporting pillars, hordes of ghastly things dancing about the deceptively beautiful Lady of Poison.
The fall foliage is deceptively beautiful here this weekend.
The countryside was deceptively beautiful, filled with emerald-like knolls, foothills ramping toward the low, bluish mountains farther away.
It was deceptively beautiful as the formation charged into a golden sun that was now settling quickly toward the flat horizon.
Like Jadis, she is deceptively beautiful: she wears "a long fluttering dress of dazzling green" and laughs in the "richest, most musical laugh you can imagine."