Fine print is controversial because of its deceptive nature.
Their deceptive natures led them to hide their most cherished desires even from themselves.
Oliver is flawed by a lack of confidence and his deceptive nature.
Raiden was well aware of Shinnok's deceptive nature, but he accepted the offer in an attempt to secretly uncover Shinnok's plans.
The one additional facet of the problems that should be called to the attention of families of teen-agers is the deceptive nature of cults' recruitment.
Their legendary physical beauty belied their deceptive and corrupt natures.
Gaerdal disapproves of Baravar's deceptive nature, and sometimes seeks to thwart his schemes.
Earth has a problem, given the deceptive nature of its arms race and the absence of functional weapons technology.
Frontier youth workers came up against the destructive, deceptive nature of evil in many of its present forms.
In an interview with The Discovering Alcoholic, Alexakis called it "pure, white evil" for its deceptive nature.