When the prospect of a fall seemed inevitable, the boy moved back and propped Marius up with deceptive ease.
Written with deceptive ease and simplicity, it functions brilliantly on half a dozen levels at once.
With deceptive ease, he hits on flavor combinations that seem both distinctive and inevitable.
Safe to say that for this actor gliding, with deceptive ease, through multiple lives the party remains in full swing.
He jerked his head in a nod toward the garment she'd flung with deceptive ease to the pavement.
Gwen reached out and hauled Chomoi to her feet with deceptive ease.
And finally, the small catheter had slid into place with deceptive ease.
The plot falls into place with lazy, deceptive ease.
He manages that with deceptive ease by presenting the show from the teachers' point of view.
The pike passed completely through the Clansman's body with deceptive ease.