The thing had the deceptive appearance of simplicity to Leto: avoiding the vision, do that which has not been seen.
And how deceptive appearances may be, to be sure!
An effect is the deceptive appearance of financial strength.
A deceptive appearance as solid ground can mask "little more than a veneer of soil floating on often ice-cold water."
She also has a deceptive appearance, and is president of the banned Manchester Tribunal behind closed doors.
Her ugly form teaches the devotee to go beyond the outer deceptive appearances and seek the inner truths of life.
"Fallacious arguments usually have the deceptive appearance of being good arguments."
Before that searching gaze, the deceptive, farmerish appearance of the other dissolved like dark fog in a bright sun.
Similarly deceptive appearances lie at the heart of other stories in this collection as well.
They are swollen, but give a deceptive appearance of health.