Or maybe she's so high up in the King's court that she didn't need to show decent manners to common folk.
Everyone in here has had adversity, but we've all dealt with it in a pretty decent manner.
Moderators are assigned to ensure that members behave and play the game in a decent manner.
He thought that the land of Israel should be built in a "decent manner", or not built at all.
If you don't have decent manners on the telephone, you shouldn't be allowed to use it.
I hope you will continue to act in a decent manner.
It has all been conducted in a decent and proper manner.
He hadn't even had the consideration to drop dead in a decent manner.
All this time working together, and you two have yet to learn decent manners.
We '11 never run out of kisses or most subtle ways to touch each other here and there in a most decent manner.