"This is a minimum entitlement for equipping youth with the knowledge and skills they need to secure decent livelihoods in today's globalized world."
Laws passed by the Parliament of India during the 1970s and the 1980s violate people right to life in addition to their right to a decent livelihood.
Some own enough farm land to be able to earn a decent livelihood.
No Government handout or "dislocation assistance" is a substitute for a regular job in an industry that has always provided a decent livelihood for its workers and their families.
China has its own Constitution and a body of laws guaranteeing internationally recognized civil rights, including the right to a decent livelihood.
The unwillingness of the Colombian government to prevent a paramilitary campaign of violent repression has left the average Colombian with few options for security and a decent livelihood.
The UIL agitation focused attention on the fact that many families lived on patches of land too small to provide a decent livelihood even without rent.
It is only by challenging the key free trade model that we can really make sure that all workers in the world have the chance to earn a decent livelihood.
We must end IUU fishing and ensure a decent livelihood for all of those working in the sector.
The core goal of a reformed CFP must be to ensure that fishermen can earn a decent livelihood while also achieving environmental sustainability.