However, the program unraveled when, after a train accident in November 1872, papers found on the body of a Pinkerton operative revealed that the agency had been using deceitful practices.
He called on Mr. Dole to apologize and "not to engage in that kind of deceitful practice anymore."
Nor, even if the state court may have gone overboard, was it wrong to assess damages to discourage a deceitful practice.
Calling the fund company's practices outrageous and deceitful, Mr. Galvin said: "Mutual should mean equal opportunity for gain and loss.
And they are taught to be vigilant about the deceitful practices of immigrants.
In other words, through their mediocre and deceitful practices, these sophists give a bad reputation to all teachers of oratory.
Rice played a key role in lobbying for legislation in 1981 to prevent deceitful practices by gyms.
F.B.I. Chief Under Fire A Justice Department inquiry has concluded that William S. Sessions engaged in deceitful practices involving his personal travel.
Empire Blue Cross and Blue Shield of New York became a political pariah last year after sensational disclosures of inept and deceitful practices.
'Deceitful Practice' In an affidavit filed this morning, Ron Sorci, the president of RPS Executive Limousines, said the new company was "engaged in a deceitful practice."