Later, in 1958, Ivan Allen inherited Kinoith from Wilson Strangman, the deceased owner.
The house's deceased owner.
In a medicine cabinet in the otherwise spotless apartment, his client, a young woman, discovered a pair of false teeth and some medicine belonging to the elderly deceased former owner.
Mrs. Edna Cramdilly: Mrs. Cramdilly is the deceased owner of the cats and Hovis's boss.
His name is Haji Shaukat Ali, 70, and he was a friend of the store's deceased owner.
The deceased owner of Beard Burger, he teaches Parappa how to make beardylike beard burgers in the kitchen during Toasty Buns beard breakout mix.
The widow of the deceased owner created a new management team.
Between 1925 and 1935, an Akita dog named Hachiko waited for his deceased owner, appearing at the station right when his train was due.
It was but lately that realty had been made liable for the debts of its deceased owner.
The state claimed all such properties whose deceased legal owner had no immediate family to make an inheritance claim.