It was the one-time residence of a deceased client, James Plaistead, who had been Brinby's closest friend.
This concerns an estate... A deceased client.
Fraud claims from the estates of deceased clients of Prudential Securities that were looking uncertain have experienced a miraculous recovery.
In the episode titled 'Great Expectations' Bagley Grimsdale, a professional solicitor who deals with deceased clients estates contacted Karen.
In his first film role since defeating Voldemort, Daniel Radcliffe stars as a lawyer sent to a remote village to settle the affairs of a deceased client.
Maureen felt that way about every one of her deceased clients, about every one of the victims, she reminded herself.
He discovered that officials at UBS were destroying documents about orphaned assets, i.e., credit balances of deceased Jewish clients whose heirs' whereabouts were unknown.
The policies granted the faithful the same status as deceased clients, with the moneys duly paid out to the beneficiaries.
I agree that a deceased client may retain a personal, reputational and economic interest in confidentiality.
In 1979 the Evening News, owned by the Daily Times, published an article saying that Chief Rotimi Williams was being sued by the children of a deceased client.