You, Lord, had received the graces from the deceased emperor.
Sometimes the Senate would decree that the son of a deceased emperor was unfit to succeed his father.
There are also instances where the throne is assumed by a younger brother, should the deceased Emperor have no male offspring.
Instead, the kheshigs of deceased Emperors took care of their lords' families and assisted households.
Claudius had the deceased emperor deified and buried in a family tomb on the Appian Way.
A deceased emperor granted apotheosis by his successor and the Senate became an official State divus (divinity).
Ci'an as Empress Consort of the deceased Emperor took centre spot.
The deceased Emperor was posthumously renamed Emperor Taishō a few days later.
The deceased Emperor was posthumously renamed Emperor Taishō within days.
Only the last was strictly eligible, because it is traditional that the ancestral rites to a deceased Emperor must be performed by a member of a younger generation.