The passing of millions of years and the steadily increasing pressures from above gradually changed the decayed vegetation and dead aquatic life into oil.
Immature lovebugs larvae feed on partially decayed vegetation in the landscape and, in this respect, are beneficial.
He clapped a hand, slippery with decayed vegetation, over her mouth and held it there until she stopped struggling.
Peat is an accumulation of partially decayed vegetation, whose decomposition is slowed by water.
A large section of moss had collapsed to reveal a crumbling round mass of decayed vegetation.
They formed themselves from decayed vegetation that lined the lake bottom, and teemed with aquatic plants.
The water around them looked as if it had been steeped with decayed vegetation, a brew that rippled occasionally with unseen life beneath the surface.
She reached into the hole and scraped out some decayed vegetation and showed it to her colleagues.
Each river has its own unique mixture of dissolved minerals, decayed vegetation and the taint of its particular community of animal inhabitants.
Peat, or turf, is an accumulation of partially decayed vegetation.