The desert is composed of stratified layers of mineral and decayed organic matter .
"We're pretty sure it's for the reason Torvig proposed, that they collect and concentrate decayed matter from the other life that lives on them."
I'm sorry if I smell like a sewer, it's the muck I had to crawl through, all that decayed matter.
Fossil fuels such as coal and petroleum are also included in this category because they are formed from decayed organic matter.
J. Elliott Dirt is made of finely-ground rocks and decayed organic matter.
Thus, cryptomycota cells could be parasitic or saprotrophic, with the fungi feeding on surrounding dead or decayed organic matter.
No pulse beat there; the heart had become a lump of decayed matter, and the veins had collapsed like the walls of empty houses.
Disagreeable sights or disgust, smells or thoughts (such as decayed matter, others' vomit, thinking of vomiting), etc.
The soil type is of the red-yellow podsolic group and the surface layer is covered with decayed organic matter.
Pools, bayous, lakes stretched beyond sight, dimly glimmering where they were not scummed with decayed matter.