The British soldiers who investigated the Zubayr military base found 200 makeshift coffins bearing very decayed corpses.
During the battle Aydrian displayed his gemstone power by bringing his father's decayed corpse back to life.
Grandpa appears only as a decayed corpse, due to his death from the grenade explosion at the end of the last film that also killed Drayton.
Perhaps the most striking to contemporary minds is the transi, or cadaver tomb, a tomb that depicts the decayed corpse of the deceased.
The majority of the fossil record consists of the robust matter of decayed corpses.
Elrod, objecting to being sent to jail, tells Dave of a decayed corpse that he and Kelly had found in the swamp.
A decayed corpse at a Hollywood construction site appears to be a harbinger of more supernatural evil.
All but the smallest fraction of the fossil record consists of the robust skeletal matter of decayed corpses.
It was pushy, but he did smell like a decayed corpse.
A decayed corpse named Rudy crawled through the dust in her dreams, right up into her bed, and she thought she was going crazy.