The Rudelsburg decayed further during this time, as did the monuments that had been erected there.
They were within a dozen yards of the vestibule now, and with every step they took Shadwell's courtesy decayed further.
Serbia was elevated to a kingdom in 1882, as the Ottoman Empire further decayed.
It further either decays to uranium-233 or captures another neutron and converts into the non-fissile uranium-234.
Many of the photographs had been up on the wall for years, their unfixed images decaying further in the light.
The structure decayed further, and some of the masonry was used to build houses in the village.
Instead, they argue that fluoride and oral hygiene should be used to remineralize the enamel and prevent it from decaying further.
The church was standing as a ruin but was not decaying further.
The Tc-99m then further decays, while inside a patient, releasing a gamma photon which is detected by the gamma camera.
As its orbit decays further, he said, it gets closer and closer to the Earth, eventually returning in flames.