Despite the negative rate of natural increase, in the last decade or more the population has been increasing due to immigration, reversing a decades-long downward trend.
Friday's is bucking a decades-long trend of ever-larger portions in packaged goods and at restaurants.
According to the latest survey of American health practices, the decades-long trend toward healthier living habits has taken a turn for the worse.
The slide continues a decades-long trend.
The decades-long trend will continue, and tomorrow's desktop will be made up of fewer dies, not more.
Reversing a decades-long trend toward "global dimming," Earth's surface has become brighter since 1990, scientists are reporting today.
What could G.M. have in mind with an offer that seems to fly in the face of sweeping, decades-long trends?
Gentrification of Philadelphia's neighborhoods continues into the 21st century and the city has reversed its decades-long trend of population loss.
LAST week's election saw no turnaround in the state's decades-long trend of declining voter participation.
Bianchi and her colleagues detect a decades-long trend of carving out time for ever more caretaking, featuring bigger doses of "interactive" attention (like reading together).