The Genpei War was the culmination of a decades-long conflict between the two aforementioned clans over dominance of the Imperial court, and by extension, control of Japan.
The Bush administration and Congress must resist the temptation to use America's war on terror elsewhere as an excuse to more deeply involve the United States in this decades-long conflict.
This would be accepted by most historians as an accurate summary of Ottoman treatment of the Armenians in 1915-17 and of Turkey's decades-long conflict with Kurdish separatists.
Later in his career, Arafat engaged in a series of negotiations with the government of Israel to end the decades-long conflict between it and the PLO.
The decades-long conflict has claimed more than 120,000 lives.
The Elders have closely followed developments in Sri Lanka and spoken out on several occasions since the end of the decades-long conflict in 2009.
Both sides would declare a final end to their decades-long conflict.
The board and staff, which includes a former Burmese political prisoner, seeks to increase the profile of Burma and help find solutions to the country's decades-long conflict.
Many foreign countries also offered substantial financial support if peace was achieved and optimism grew that an end to the decades-long conflict was in sight.
One of the prerequisites for fruitful cooperation would be an end to the decades-long military conflicts in Africa.