After a decade-long quest to buy a network, Ted Turner has wound up right where he started in 1985: tilting at a windmill called CBS.
After discovering that the caves were used by Jews escaping The Holocaust, he embarked on a decade-long quest to find survivors.
Mr. Yao's decade-long quest to win election to his local legislature by directly appealing to voters, rather than the party hierarchy, made him a model for incremental political change.
Her son, Bill Page, joined the search, which became a decade-long quest for validation of her purchase.
A decade-long quest ends today.
Their reunion here on Thursday capped Mr. Tott's decade-long quest to find the few dozen men in the 19 photographs he took that day and compile their stories into an inch-thick homemade book.
During their decade-long quest to travel to Tuva, Feynman was suffering from cancer, and died shortly before the visas finally arrived; this book describes "Richard Feynman's last adventure".
Reasonable people differed on whether that was necessary, but no one expected a grinding, decade-long quest to find a bigger, more interesting crime.
Over the years, we have learned more of his decade-long quest to build a new stadium in Brooklyn and about how those efforts were thwarted by city officials.
Fermilab's decade-long quest for the elusive quark has so far failed to find conclusive evidence of its existence.