He is, among other things, a man of substance - in 1978, after two decades spent building a manufacturing company, he walked away with $5.2 million.
The next decade of his life Panteley spent in his home town where he married and created a family.
After a while he developed his method of research, and for decades spent all his leisure time working on his theory.
After three decades spent studying Lincoln, there are still things that mystify him.
Their collapse was sometimes a short eclipse, a few decades spent recovering from war or atmosphere-bashing.
Mackey's next project, after more than two decades spent trying to reinvent the supermarket, is to change the values and reputation of business in America.
Even after decades spent cleansing the atmosphere, the network of processors was still a generation away, at minimum, from achieving its goal.
The two decades I spent here haven't been idle.
After a decade spent steeped in high theory, scholars seem willing to take their analysis beyond texts into areas of daily experience.
After decades spent working towards equality, how do things stand now?