These figures featured real clothing with removable plastic accessories, similar in style to the Mego figures that debuted nearly two decades earlier.
(Although the show is often considered to parody the popular series The Apprentice, The Sack Race in fact debuted some months earlier.)
Netizens have criticized i.n.g for imitating S.H.E, a girl group that debuted five years earlier.
Wade Cunningham, who earlier in the season debuted driving an in-house Schmidt Motorsports car, will drive in the season's final two oval races for the team.
Punk'd (debuted a year earlier)
Superficially, he better resembles the amphibious Namor, the Sub-Mariner, who debuted two years earlier.
It was inspired by the 1973 movie The Sting and was similar to The Rockford Files, which debuted a year earlier.
However, the song debuted exclusively on Dromos FM 89.8 one day earlier.
In contrast, The WB debuted one week earlier, on January 11, with four series - only one of which, Muscle, would not survive its first season.
The final performance took place on April 30, 2000 in Houston, TX where the show debuted 10 years earlier.