The debt owed to foreigners by Americans swelled to $263.6 billion in 1986, more than double the $111.9 billion of 1985, according to the Commerce Department.
Foreign debt has swelled to $26 billion, and heavy spending on social programs has created a budget deficit equivalent to nearly 20 percent of the gross national product.
The country's currency is plummeting, and poverty and foreign debt are swelling.
As it built the plant and expanded its other military facilities to take on new projects, Northrop's debt swelled.
The company's accounting practices are highly complex, and although it reports billions of dollars in profit every year, its debt has swelled to $24 billion.
But between 1997 and 2007 public deficits swelled, public debts swelled.
Private debts swelled there was no regulation to control it.
The result is that bad debts are swelling to as much as one-fourth of all loans, according to predictions by some economists.
Hanson's debt swelled after its purchase of Eastern Group in August for L2.5 billion, or $4 billion.
Still, foreign debt has swelled, inflation is persistently high and the current account deficit is widening.