While prevailing rates remained below 5 percent, deals financed by corporate debt issuance worked well.
With rates the lowest in months, debt issuance is up.
Corporations may be eschewing bank borrowing, but new debt issuance by highly rated companies remains strong.
Last year, just $125 million was raised in initial public offerings, while debt issuance fell sharply, the Herold firm reported.
Given those declines, it is little wonder that new debt issuance has skyrocketed.
The problems with debt issuance became apparent in the late-1920s.
We have already completed our 2011 sovereign debt issuance at increasingly attractive prices.
Corporate debt issuance could remain strong, however, particularly if interest rates fall a bit from current levels, according to investment bankers.
Declaring a 12-month debt issuance suspension period, for example, would only free up approximately $72 billion in additional headroom.
Fresh debt issuance will outstrip fresh private savings this year.