The national debt has doubled in his Presidency, to $2.5 trillion.
After all, the national debt more than doubled on his watch.
However, our national debt will almost double and reach $25.8 trillion by 2020 under the projected spending levels of the Administration.
Remember the national debt doubled from £350 billion to around £800 billion between 1997 and 2009.
Over this period, national debt more than doubled from $749 billion to $1,746 billion.
In fact, this debt more than doubled by 1958, when it reached $450 million.
Worse still, the interest rates charged mean that these debts will double in about a decade.
But since 1981, the national debt has more than doubled.
Regional income fell by almost a fifth, while the region's foreign debt doubled.
To pay for the expansion, the authority's debt more than doubled.