These First Peoples played an important part in many battles and on many occasions had a psychologically debilitating impact on their enemy.
His visits to his hometown, however, were enough to make him realize the debilitating impact the local feuds were having on Tugaya's growth.
But if nature is the principle cause of this disaster, it may not be wholly to blame for its debilitating impact on the herdsmen.
The soldier was an experienced fighter in close quarters and avoided the debilitating impact, firing the silenced Beretta before the Egyptian had time to rethink his strategy.
Kinetic strikes and other pressure have had a debilitating impact on the Al-Qaeda Senior Leadership (AQSL).
Although you understand the debilitating impacts of the wall, I cannot imagine that the commission knew about this memorandum.
But nowhere in the country have prices been rising faster and with more debilitating impact than here in California.
The campaign organizers say most business leaders are aware of the debilitating impact of domestic violence, which often hurts productivity, leads to absenteeism and increases company health care costs.
But other gender-related issues have a debilitating impact on the ability of American business to compete in the global environment.
That has had a very debilitating impact on the daughters, so that girls are growing up seeing mothers - and it's not to blame them - with very insecure bodies.