This debate has unfolded during a troubled time for the New York night-life business.
The debate was the first of two back-to-back forums this weekend and unfolded with far more civility than many previous ones.
While the designers were at work, debate about the contents unfolded in a series of magazine meetings.
Quickly, a debate about the child's academic future unfolded.
"I choose to let the debate unfold, to listen to people make their arguments," he said.
In the early 1930s, a famous debate on Taiwanese rural language unfolded formally.
As the debate unfolds, the group continues to flesh out its position with new reports.
He sits back, lets the debate unfold, then defines the issue, and later sets the terms of what's practical to do.
Even as Londoners absorbed the news of the shooting, a debate unfolded whether it was justified.
Presumably, these countervailing interests will be better appreciated as the debate about the "peace dividend" unfolds.