The MMR vaccine theory of autism is one of the most extensively debated theories regarding the origins of autism.
He loved to debate theories.
They spend the remainder of the two-act drama presenting, debating and rejecting theories that may answer that question.
As the dispatchers waited for the reply, they debated alternatives and theories about what exactly had happened to the Straton.
The Sangama Dynasty was founded by Harihara I and Bukka, though there are many debated theories of how the dynasty was truly founded.
Bass takes us forward again to three meetings held in Santa Fe in the late 1980's, where chaos physicists and traditional economists debated theories.
'They're debating theories of magic so I thought I'd get some fresh air.'
She had debated historical theories about Arthur both in serious professional forums and also casually with friends in other fields.
I know the rules," he replied, surprising Elizabeth, "And there's no point in debating theories.
They had worked out their experiments together in the school laboratories, had spent long hours arguing and wondering ... debating scientific theories.