Now a similar debate is roiling the always contentious arena of dietary recommendations.
Inevitably, debates about the authenticity of variants of encaustic's "classic" formula will roil on.
And the debate over how to handle this inheritance is roiling the academic world.
The debate over integration has roiled the N.A.A.C.P. itself.
The passionate political debate extends beyond the polling station and is roiling this dust-poor Islamic republic of 2.6 million people that straddles Arab and black Africa.
As debates about civil rights and the Vietnam War roiled the campus, they went their separate ways.
In its absence a reasoned but passionate debate has roiled the state, from the governor's office to the youth league rinks where children learn the game.
The debate over influencing the administration's war strategy has roiled the party's caucus, particularly the newly elected members who came to Washington on a wave of discontent over the war.
The debate has roiled and divided the education and political communities here for years.