Large numbers were taken ill, but the actual death toll is not known.
Some said an accurate death toll would never be known.
So far, officials say, only a few dozen of the bodies have been positively identified, and the exact death toll may never be known.
However, the death toll may never be known, and historians estimate the hurricane left between 2,000 to 8,000 killed.
Although the exact death toll was not originally known, officials estimated that over 500 people may have died as a result of the accident.
The final death toll will never be known, though a figure of 12,000 or more is consistent with the available evidence.
The final death toll may never be exactly known, but it's estimated that around 200,000 people lost their lives.
The exact death toll will never be known, but it is estimated that between 300,000 and 500,000 people lost their lives.
At least 371 people were killed by the storm; however, this is considered a conservative estimate and the true death toll may never be known.
Since the bodies of some victims were swiftly taken away and buried by the authorities, the death toll may never be known for certain.