The coldness reached to the ends of his fingers and feet, his body chilling in the death spasms.
Its death spasm ripped the tool out of Omar's hand as it flipped back down the hill.
In his death spasm, Crimp's partner coughed his final words, but they proved very few.
Then without warning, Spencer's body twitched, as if his corpse were giving in to a final death spasm.
His last act was to grab the girl's green sweater, clutching her to him in his death spasm.
She was feeling the death spasms again.
But the other, in his groaning death spasms, locked his hands about the Prince's throat.
It lay in death spasms, many of its bones shattered.
The animal kicked out in a death spasm, then collapsed on the platform.
It might be a death spasm, it might not.