Pain, in her kind, was magnified a thousand times, and she wondered how long it would be before death relieved her of it.
Only Stalin's death the same year relieved the fear.
In short, other than gaining a little time, the death of Martin would not in any way have relieved the Major's business problems.
His pride was broken, and his heart; so he wasted away, day by day, and even his daughter rejoiced when death relieved him.
Only death may relieve the Lord Commander of his sacred trust.
Boott's friend Henry James wrote to her father that her death relieved her from "perpetual struggle and disappointment."
The death of a rich uncle relieved the family's poverty.
She lay on the cold damp earth wishing death would hurry and relieve her of her misery.
For you shall swear an oath before Him and me, an oath from which only death can relieve you.
Cornelia rejects the offer in grief, saying that another death would not relieve her pain.