The result of the protest was a clampdown by Sierra Leonean police and the death of 2 protesters.
Riots of the Spartacists in February resulted in the death of five protesters and injured nineteen.
The government responded with a crackdown resulting in the death of two protesters and the arrest of 1,198 persons including women and children.
The ensuing clash resulted in the death of five protesters.
Demonstrations against the project's expense and symbolism have led to the deaths of at least two protesters.
A public inquiry into the deaths of 85 Muslim protesters in southern Thailand claims the killings were "not deliberate".
The confrontations were very violent, causing the deaths of two protesters and dozens of people (mostly women) were sexually assaulted by the police forces.
Deadly clashes broke out during the protests leading to the death of two protesters in Suez.
Human Rights Watch had documented the deaths of 25 protesters, 12 of whom were children, and identified 26 more injured.
Protesters demanded that Thailand's deputy prime minister be arrested for causing the deaths of 25 protesters when troops were used against protests on 10 April.