Majdanek was responsible for the death of 59,000 Polish Jews.
The riot resulted in the deaths of 47 Jews and 48 Arabs.
The Romanian Antonescu regime was responsible for the deaths of between 280,000 and 380,000 Jews.
But then I haven't just been trumped with the death of six million Jews.
From 1940 to 1944, it is estimated starvation and disease caused the death of 43,000 Jews in the ghetto.
Blood libel in Munich, Germany results in the death of 68 Jews.
Mr. Papon, who is 87, will face charges related to the death of 1,560 Jews.
Two years later, riots in Frankfurt saw the deaths of 3,000 Jews and the expulsion of the rest.
The mass killing that began in 1941 ended in 1945 with the estimated death of approximately six million European Jews.
He was responsible for ordering the deaths of around 40,000 Jews.