Wesley undergoes yet another drastic personality change in Angels fifth season following the death of his love, Fred.
The Burmese chronicles uncharacteristically report that the king was extremely shaken and saddened by the death of his first love.
There is also plenty of blood, and an electric performance by Matthew Rauch as a man bent on avenging the death of his love.
Ultimately, the message in "Eleonora" is that a man is allowed to wed without guilt after the death of his first love.
He had the sympathy of the crowd who believed this was divine intervention for a man distraught with grief over the death of his love.
And nothing you do or say will ever cause the death of my love for you.
Dead," referring apparently to the death of their love.
The death of his one true love followed by a messy divorce led him content to lead the ultimate bachelor's life.
He never really got over the death of his one true love, Investigator Frost.
Brick could not come to grips with his homosexuality, and could never forgive Maggie for the death of his true love.