Zephyr attempts to live a normal life, following the apparent death of her baby.
Skepticism soon becomes intense scrutiny when a routine delivery results in the death of a young mother and her baby.
More than that, for the first time since the death of her baby, Betsy looked not only alert but actually happy.
But especially after the death of Alessandra's baby, it had degenerated into simple warfare.
A moving and painfully honest account of a mother's struggle to come to terms with the death of her baby.
"You're crying because in your mind's eye you can already see the death of your baby."
"Didn't you hear what I said earlier about the death of their baby?"
She humbly accepted the death of their one baby, fourteen years ago.
A 27-year-old Queens woman was arrested last night in the death of her newborn baby.
But, the stagehand adds, they weren't getting along well since the death of their baby shortly after birth.