This essentially doubles the number of hands a single dealer can play per hour.
After the first dealer has played all five contracts, the kingdom passes to the player to his right, and so on.
Trex Complex is a recent variant in which a dealer can play two or more of the first four contracts at the same time.
When the deal is done, customers and dealers play a kind of who's-got-the-button game with the police.
If the dealer does play the dealer and player hands are compared.
The dealer then plays the third card following the same protocol.
The dealers are out on the street all night, playing their boom boxes, fighting, screaming.
If incorrect the dealer plays the correct card and gives the player another card.
But Ford quickly criticized the program, saying it did not allow dealers to play a large enough role in selling the vehicles.
You obviously believe that the dealers play an important part in determining the short list.