About 10 other dealers operate in the market from privately owned buildings.
Dealers say Exxon, which owns the land on which the dealers operate, is demanding prices that average about 30 percent above market value.
Happily, the dealers in Panajachel operate an anti-ageism policy.
Some local independent dealers operate call-and-deliver systems in certain areas.
But most dealers operate more by intuition.
The distributor and dealers operate on a base trade margin (factored in the cost of the product by the manufacturer).
No dealer operates a guarantee on fish, but it is in everyone's interests (not least or just the goodwill factor) to find out what is wrong.
The dealers are now operating only on the ground floor of the three-story structure.
The few major dealers who stock such ivories operate privately.
Because the dealers operated indoors, undercover officers from the 33d Precinct had to make frequent, often hazardous, drug buys, he said.